CBT Preston & Online Appointments

he Therapy Company provide CBT (Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy) in Preston and via highly-secure online appointments.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (commonly referred to as CBT) is a type of talking therapy that is proven to help individuals work through various feelings, emotions and concerns. Specifically, CBT is beneficial for helping people that are suffering from eating disorders, depression, anxiety issues, and other types of phobia. This type of talking therapy is fantastic for breaking down negative feelings and thoughts and changing these negative patterns to improve the way you feel on a day-to-day basis.

If you’re looking to find out more about CBT in Preston or would like to have a chat with us over the phone before booking a session, please call us directly on 01772 440321 or use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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The most advanced medical templates specialising in
every aspect of healthcare.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday

09.00 - 17.00

Evening appointments can be arranged.

How Does It Work?

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) works by helping you to examine your current feelings, thoughts and emotions without judgement. CBT is widely used for people suffering from anxiety disorders such as Generalised Anxiety Disorders. CBT truly helps to understand how your thoughts affect your behaviour which then leads to both physical and emotional issues. It’s the self-awareness and questioning of this type of talking therapy that makes it such a successful type of therapy for many.

Once negative thoughts are identified, further work can then be done to replace the past irrelevant thoughts with new ones that will serve you moving forwards. In addition to dealing with present problems, you will learn skills to deal with problems that may arise in the future.

Our CBT Sessions

CBT sessions will be carried out in a very relaxed and comfortable environment at one of our three locations; Preston, South Ribble Centre, or St Annes Centre, depending on what’s best for you. Within these sessions, our therapists will take the time to understand your beliefs and underlying assumptions that you may be carrying about yourself and those around you. Our therapist will also help you understand how your current thoughts are having a negative impact on your current behaviours and actions that you may not even be conscious about.

Once this self-awareness has been brought about and you feel safe in this knowledge, we will then start to try and change those thoughts and behaviours at your own pace. Some work may be necessary outside of the sessions such as answering questionnaires and keeping records.

preston cbt
cbt near me

CBT Benefits

CBT has been proven to be an effective way of treating a number of different mental health conditions such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder, depression, sleep problems, problems related to alcohol misuse, panic disorders, and borderline personality disorders. Although CBT is not a cure for any of the above conditions, it can help individuals to cope significantly better with their symptoms. CBT can be performed as a stand-alone treatment but may also be combined with other treatments such as anti-depressants and other medications if appropriate.

Get in touch with our professional and dedicated team at The Therapy Company by calling us directly on 01772 440321 or use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

We welcome clients from Liverpool, Manchester, and throughout the North West with open arms.

Get In touch

Private CBT - Our Team

The Therapy Company have a dedicated team of fully accredited and trained Cognitive Behavioural Therapists that are able to provide in-person and online appointments, depending on your personal requirements and preferences.

You can contact us today to book your initial appointment or head over to our meet the team page to find out more.

Dr Karen Wright

Qualified Psychotherapist

Nicole K. McGuinness

Qualified Therapist BABCP

CBT Preston - FAQs

This is a great question that we are asked regularly and understandably so. The number of sessions that you require will ultimately depend on your personal circumstances and the extent of talking therapy required in order to get you to feeling better. For some individuals, a few sessions are adequate whereas, for others, they may require 20+ sessions.

Private CBT therapy is much more accessible than using public services through the NHS. This is largely down to the fact that the waiting list is often anywhere between 6-18 months long which is often too long to wait. Moreover, with private CBT therapy, you are also likely to benefit from a more personable and professional experience.

Yes, of course, we do. If you want to meet our team, before you actually meet our team in person, head over to our dedicated ”meet the team” page by clicking here

CBT is effective in treating a wide range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders (such as generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic disorder), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), eating disorders, and substance abuse. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is a proven type of talking therapy that can help patients to reframe negative thoughts, beliefs, and patterns.

There are a number of techniques to consider when it comes to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. Techniques include exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring and behaviour activation. Your type of mental health condition will influence whether we use one or all of CBT techniques available. Further techniques to consider may also include relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and other problem-solving skills that can be useful.

CBT can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with other treatments and medications. CBT is often integrated into comprehensive treatment plans tailored to your specific needs. It’s difficult to give a definitive and generalised answer before firstly understanding more about you and your current circumstances / struggles.

Yes, of course. When it comes to treatments for various mental health conditions, such as social anxiety disorder or generalised anxiety disorders, CBT is proven to be highly effective. The talking therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms, improving functioning, and preventing relapse across a range of mental health conditions.

Although CBT can be a suitable treatment for many individuals, it may not be the most appropriate treatment for everyone. The suitability of CBT depends on factors such as the individual’s willingness to actively participate in therapy, the specific nature of their condition, and the expertise of the therapist.

Here at The Therapy Company, we value privacy, professionalism and affordability for all. Our first priority is the well-being of our patients—near and far. As a team, we are able to maintain a singular focus on providing the highest quality, most compassionate care to each and every patient.

If you’re ready to book your first session with The Therapy Company, please call us today on 01772 440321 or use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you promptly.


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