Psychiatrist For OCD
The Therapy Company offers professional diagnosis and private psychiatry for OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder).
OCD, short for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, affects approximately 750,000 people across the UK with no bias towards women, men, or children.
Here at The Therapy Company, we are able to provide professional diagnosis and on-gong treatment for patients suffering with OCD, therefore helping to improve the quality of your life and general well-being.
Much of the condition is centred around the inability to deal with uncertainty and when not property managed or treated, it can further lead to other mental health conditions including anxiety and depression which can result in hopelessness.
If left untreated, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) can leave you feeling exhausted, making it hard to focus, which can have a detrimental impact across both your working and social life.
For more information about private psychiatry for OCD and how we can help, call us today at 01772 440321 or use our online contact form.
Alternatively, read the full blog post to find out more about:
•Diagnosis for OCD
•Treatments for managing OCD symptoms
•Symptoms of OCD and signs you need professional help

Private OCD Diagnosis UK
Our highly-experienced private psychiatrists diagnose OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) by conducting a thorough evaluation that typically involves the following steps:
Initial Assessment – The first stage of diagnosing OCD will be to conduct an initial assessment with you. This can either be conducted at our main HQ in Preston or online if this is more convenient with you. The initial assessment will consist of engaging in a detailed conversation with you to gather information about their symptoms, experiences, and personal history.
Diagnostic Criteria – The next stage will be undergoing diagnostic criteria to assess the presence and quantity of obsessions (persistent and intrusive thoughts, urges, or images) and/or compulsions (repetitive behaviours or mental acts) that cause significant distress, take up a significant amount of time, and significantly interfere with the individual’s functioning.
Symptom Assessment – One of the penultimate stages of diagnosing OCD is the symptom assessment. Here, our psychiatrists will assess the specific nature of the obsessions and compulsions, as well as any associated features. For example, the symptom assessment will largely focus on the specific themes or content of the obsessions.
Psychiatry Treatments For OCD
After diagnosis, our private psychiatrists at The Therapy Company are able to offer and provide on-going treatments to help better manage the symptoms of OCD. Here are the three main treatments offered:
CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). There are many segments of CBT but when it comes to treating and managing OCD, a technique called Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is typically the most effective amongst most patients. EPR helps to expose and challenge distorted beliefs which can help an individual to reframe current thoughts and beliefs around a particular obsession.
Medication – Our private psychiatrists at The Therapy Company are also able to provide specific medications that can help to manage OCD symptoms. Particular medications, prescribed by our psychiatrists, can work effectively in unison with CBT and/or counselling sessions. The types of medications prescribed for OCD can be requested when you get in contact with TTC.
Counselling – While CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) is the most effective type of therapy, counselling can be complimentary, and help to manage the symptoms of OCD in other ways. For example, counselling can provide on-going emotional support, provide further coping strategies, provide accountability for on-going goals, and much more.

Symptoms Of OCD
The main symptoms of OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) are characterised by the presence of obsessions and compulsions. The symptoms of both obsessions and compulsions are covered below:
Intrusive Thoughts – One of the more prominent obsessions when it comes to OCD is intrusive thoughts. People that suffer from OCD generally tend to experience excessive intrusive thoughts that are difficult to keep at bay.
Fear Of Contamination – Excessive concern with dirt, germs, or contaminants, leading to excessive washing or avoidance behaviours.
Excessive Doubt – Individuals that suffer with OCD also generally tend to struggle with excessive doubt. This can be in relation to mental or physical doubt.
Repetitive Behaviours – Individuals with OCD usually engage in particular and repetitive areas after being triggered by compulsions. These behaviours are aimed at reducing distress or preventing a feared outcome.
Checking – Another prominent compulsion of OCD sufferers is constant checking. This may the checking of various appliance or door locks. An OCD suffer often has an exaggerated perspective of things going wrong.
Counting – Repeated counting, arranging, or ordering objects or performing rituals based on certain numerical patterns.
Why The Therapy Company?
The Therapy Company have up to a dozen private psychiatrists that are available in-person or via online appointments, depending on your individual preferences. Whether you’re seeking diagnosis and potential on-going treatment for yourself or your child, we are here to help, providing a compassionate yet professional service for all patients. Moreover, we are proud to be a 5-star-rated independent mental health service.
Contact Us Today
Looking to get in touch with us today to arrange for your initial appointment? For more information, please call us today at 01772 725530. Alternatively, if you prefer to email, use our online contact form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours or less.
Get In touch
OCD Psychiatry – FAQs
If you’ve been considering seeing an OCD psychiatrist for a while and symptoms (just like the symptoms listed above) seem to be getting worse, it may be time to come and see us for an initial assessment. Moreover, if you are experiencing obsessive-compulsive symptoms that are having a detrimental impact on your work, relationships, and daily life, it’s time to get in touch with us today.
During your first appointment with our private psychiatrists, we will undergo a comprehensive evaluation in order to understand your symptoms, medical history, and current functioning. We’ll also ask you your key reasons for seeking help, and what you’re looking to achieve from potential treatments. Furthermore, the initial assessment can also include answering key questions and concerns. All this takes place in a confidential, secure and relaxed environment with The Therapy Company.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for OCD. However, with professional mental health support from our OCD specialist psychiatrists, you can expect to better manage and alleviate symptoms which may be currently having a detrimental impact on your daily activities. Treatments are centred around symptom reduction, improved functioning, and enhancing the quality of life.
For a comprehensive and highly-effective approach, treatments can be combined for the management and alleviation of OCD symptoms. For some individuals, this may be necessary. A particular type of therapy, such as Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, and medication is often proposed as a combined solution for OCD.
It’s true that Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD) can worsen over time if left untreated. Without appropriate treatment, symptoms of OCD can become more severe and may significantly impact various areas of life. For example, you may start to experience increased frequency and intensity of symptoms and a negative impact on relationships.
The duration of treatment for OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive disorder) can vary depending on the severity of your symptoms, your individual response to treatment, and your treatment goals. Depending on how serious your OCD is, you may need long-term, ongoing or more-intensive treatment. We can communicate everything you need to know with you at the initial appointment.
OCD is a mental health disorder characterised by intrusive, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours or mental acts (compulsions) performed in response to those obsessions. Unlike other anxiety disorders, OCD involves specific obsessions and compulsions that significantly interfere with daily functioning.
Yes, of course. We have a dedicated website page with all dedicated private psychiatrists for anxiety listed. We feel this is a great way to introduce our highly-trained and accredited psychiatrists before you even meet them in person or online. Find out more by visiting our meet the team page here.
In addition to traditional treatments such as medication and therapy, some individuals find relief from OCD symptoms through complementary approaches such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and dietary supplements. While these approaches may not replace conventional treatment, they can be beneficial as adjuncts to standard care.
Yes, OCD symptoms can vary in severity over time, with periods of exacerbation or remission. Stress, life events, or changes in treatment may influence symptom severity. Monitoring symptoms and adjusting treatment accordingly can help manage fluctuations in OCD severity effectively.